Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holy Liquids

And so it came to pass that four men approached the Baby Dinosaur Jesus, each bearing gifts that they may present unto Him. The first man carried with him a loaf of bread, the second a cane of sugar, the third berries of the juniper tree and the fourth a potato.

Sayeth the men: "O Baby Dinosaur Jesus! Verily though you are in our hearts every day as we toil through our lives, is there a day more holy than others that we may focus especially on the worship of thyself, and that we may use as an excuse to set aside our work and rejoice in thy glory?"

Sayeth Baby Dinosaur Jesus: Yea, verily. Praise me especially on the day of the Satur. More especially in the evening wherein thou shalt partake in the miracles which I shall now bestow unto thee.

And BDJ roared at the first man and his bread became liquid. Thus was created beer!

And BDJ gnashed his teeth at the the second man and his sugar became liquid. Thus was created rum!

And BDJ thrashed his great tail at the third man and his berries became liquid. Thus was created gin!

And BDJ blinked his yellow eyes at the fourth man and his potato became liquid. Thus was created vodka.

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